The Princess and the Christmas Rescue - Paperback

Nosy Crow
The Princess and the Christmas Rescue - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Caryl Hart | ISBN-13: 9780857639783 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Nosy Crow Ltd | Publication Date: 2017-07-26 | Pages: 32 | Product Dimensions: 250 x 295 x 4mm | Weight: 231g |

Princess Eliza is brilliant at making toys and gadgets, but her mum wants her to start making friends instead. In Santa's workshop, the elves are worried - with Santa ill, how will they ever get everything ready for Christmas? Luckily, Eliza arrives with her inventing skills to save the day, and make some unexpected friends along the way.

A festive fourth title in the successful Princess series that encourages girls to celebrate their skills, no matter how un-princessy.