The Prized Possession: Finding Hope, Worth, and Purpose in a Wounded World

Westbow Press
The Prized Possession: Finding Hope, Worth, and Purpose in a Wounded World

The only thing greater than fear is hope ..."Frustrations with jobs and employers, mortgages and car repairs, college debt and marital conflict make us so overwhelmed we can't even sleep. And thanks to wonderful drug advertising, very few of us are not on some sort of toxic substance to either help rest our minds at night or cope with stress during the day. Ask yourself if this is not true. People are taking their own life over this stuff, which makes me wonder if we've missed out on some secret. When wounded souls feel they have no other option but to remove themselves from this earth before their time, we'd better start uncovering some hope, and soon." Let's be honest. Our world is broken. We patch it up with all sorts of things, but underneath, where we really live, there is everything from anger, regret, lust, despair, and pain to fear, guilt, depression, greed, and unforgiveness. We are bombarded with distraction, deception, and way too much self-absorption to even recognize truth anymore. Is there any way out of this mess? Yes! There is indeed. It is found in one person, who gave everything to rescue us. His name is Jesus. The Prized Possession will help you discover who Jesus really is and why He is the only hope for hurting hearts. You will see why self-absorption and self-reliance are highly overrated, and how they keep us far from the freedom we need to see beyond our circumstances. Within these pages are true, personal stories sure to inspire your heart and stretch your understanding of God and His unrivaled love for humanity. If you have questions about life, come along on an exciting journey toward hope, purpose, and redemption. There is a very generous God just waiting for you.

Publisher: Westbow Press

Published: United States, 4 March 2013

Format: Paperback, 274 pages

Age Range: 15+

Other Information: black & white illustrations

Dimensions: 22.9 x 15.2 x 1.6 centimeters (0.41 kg)

Writer: Jill Schaible