Thymus Serpyllum 'Wild Thyme' Seeds - One packet (approx 200 seeds)

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Thymus Serpyllum 'Wild Thyme' Seeds - One packet (approx 200 seeds)

Thymus Serpyllum 'Wild Thyme' - 200+ Seeds.

  • Can be used as a lawn substitute
  • Medicinal & culinary herb
  • Very low maintenance

Low growing dense plant with small oval green leaves and creeping spreading habit. Perfect for use as a ground cover, in hanging baskets and weed suppressant.

A member of the Lamiaceae or Mint family, Wild Thyme often grows into dense mats which can produce a wonderful fragrance when walked upon.

Leaves can be used fresh or dried as a tea, or as a herb in all types of cooking.

Goes far back in history for use as a medicinal herb and essential oil.

Fragrant mauve flowers in clusters during summer which are edible.

Good for rockeries and windy conditions.

Tolerant of poor soil conditions & dry periods. Low maintenance once established. Great for bees & butterflies.

Also known as 'Creeping Thyme', 'Common Wild Thyme', 'Breckland Thyme' or 'Elfin Thyme'.

Seed Starting Method Raise seedlings and plant out
Sowing Depth 1mm
Growing Season Spring & Autumn
Germination Time 14-21 days at around 21c
Hardiness Hardy Perennial
Plant Spacing 60cm
Plant Height 3cm
Planting Position Partial or full sun, moist well manured soil
Days Until Maturity 100 days
Growing tips Use a high phosphorus flower food at the beginning of bloom season.