Tomato 'Yellow Currant' Seeds

D&H Seed Harvest Co
Tomato 'Yellow Currant' Seeds

TOMATO 'Yellow Currant' - 20+ Heirloom Seeds

Broad Ripple Yellow Currant is a heirloom cherry tomato variety producing large clusters of small yellow tomatoes that are sweet and juicy. Resistant to splitting and doesn't suffer from fruit fly strike. Grows equally well in both warmer and cooler climates.

Thousands of little golden toms that keep producing even when others have long finished.

Vigorous plant to 3m high producing abundant, tiny, round, yellow fruit to just over 1cm across in clusters of 6-8 fruit.

This variety takes 72-80 days to reach till maturity.

Semi-determinate, compact habit.

How to Grow Your Tomato Seeds Sow your tomato seeds in early Spring to Summer - all year round in subtropical and tropical areas.
Sow 5mm (1/4") deep in pots or trays of seed raising mix.
Transplant to final growing position when sturdy enough to handle.
Spacing plants 50cm (20") apart each way.
Water daily, and when the first truss has set, feed regularly.
Pinch out side shoots as they appear.
Can also be sown direct in final position after danger of frost has passed.
Most tomato seed varieties require a warm sunny position and staking to ensure a bountiful crop.
Seedlings emerge 10-14 days.
Plant in rows 90 cm apart with 45 - 60 cm between plants.
When To Plant Spring to Summer
Harvest 12-14 weeks
Sow Spring, Summer

Each seed packet comes with germination notes and includes a minimum of 20x seeds.