truecrime - Paperback

Hodder & Stoughton
truecrime - Paperback

Product detail - Author: Jake Arnott | ISBN-13: 9780340818572 | Format: Paperback Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton | Publication Date: 2004-06-21 | Pages: 352 | Product Dimensions: 134 x 200 x 22mm | Weight: 248g |

A blistering take on Cool Britannia and London's underbelly in the 1990s, the third novel in Jake Arnott's loose trilogy following The Long Firm and He Kills Coppers.

It's 1995, and crime is the new cool. Actress Julie wants none of it as she comes to terms with her hidden criminal roots. But her public-school boyfriend is going all mockney and writing the script of his 'classic British gangster movie'. Meanwhile, 'Geezer' Gaz, wannabe villain, is losing control as he preys on the Essex rave scene. And sixties gang boss Harry Starks is back to haunt them all . . .

New lads meet old lags, celebrity villains mix with media types and Cool Britannia is stripped bare in wickedly sardonic fashion. Welcome to Cruel Britannia.