Until Tuesday

Luis Carlos Montalvan
Until Tuesday

Until Tuesday
ISBN: 9780755361892
Publication Date: 14 February 2012

Until Tuesday is Horse Boy meets Dewey (with a bit of Tuesdays with Morrie thrown in). UNTIL TUESDAY is the story of how Tuesday, a service dog, helps to heal a shattered soldier.

Luis Carlos Montalvan is a 17-year veteran and retired captain of the US Army. Even after suffering stab wounds, a traumatic brain injury and three broken vertebrae, Captain Luis chose to remain at his post on the Iraq-Syria border. In his mind, he had come this far, now wasn't the time to abandon his comrades.

However, when Luis returned home, the pressures and injuries proved too much to bear. Physical disabilities, agoraphobia and crippling PTSD drove him to the brink of suicide. And that's when he met Tuesday.

UNTIL TUESDAY entwines Luis' story of courage and bravery with that of his trusted dog, Tuesday, and shows how a brave soldier who fought tirelessly for his country, found a way back from the devastation of being injured in action, with the help of his canine friend.

About the Author

Luis Carlos Montalvan is a 17-year veteran and retired Captain of the US Army where he earned the Combat Action Badge, two Bronze Stars, and the Purple Heart. Luis' own writing is published in The New York Times and the Washington Post.