Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective? : Are They Really Safe & Effective?

Neil Z. Miller
Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective? : Are They Really Safe & Effective?

Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective? : Are They Really Safe & Effective?
ISBN: 9781881217305
Publication Date: 15 September 2015

"This bestselling immunization handbook evaluates each vaccine for safety, efficacy, and long-term effects. It contains the most comprehensive, up-to-date, uncensored data available -- information that many doctors don't even know. It includes the most recent studies, several case histories detailing vaccine-induced damage to children, and pinpoints for parents exact conditions that may put their own child at high risk. In addition, health alternatives are offered, along with legal options to mandatory shots. It contains 30 graphs and diagrams plus more than 900 footnotes and scientific references so that all of the information may be confirmed. Parents, educators, health professionals, and other concerned individuals have very few sources of information permitting them to make informed choices. But concerned parents are pleading for answers to their many questions. Doctors only tell them one side of the story; there is another side. Vaccines: Are They Really Safe and Effective? tells the other side, and helps all concerned people to make wise and responsible decisions. Includes information on ALL childhood shots, plus anthrax, smallpox, and flu. New, updated and revised edition. Copyright 2002. Over 100,000 copies sold!"