Vail Snowfield Rug

Simply Wholesale
Vail Snowfield Rug


Plush, luxurious wool rugs, hand-made in India for the quality craftsmanship.

These beautiful hand-made pieces are durable and easy to clean.

Vail rugs are super soft, for maximum comfort.

Vail rugs bring a warmth and sense of luxury to any living space.


Available Size: 120 x 160 cm, 160 x 230 cm


1 x Vail Snowfield Rug


The rug images are taken in a studio environment, please allow for colour variations depending on your monitor settings and the lighting environment in your home.

New rugs, particularly those that include wool fibres, are susceptible to shedding. With care and treatment, most rugs should stop shedding within 2-3 months.

Sizing is approximate, rug size may vary up to 5%.

We recommend the use of a rug pad to prevent slipping and tripping, as well as to extend the life of your rug.