Vera Ellen - It's Your Birthday (2021)

Vera Ellen - It's Your Birthday (2021)

Flying Nun Records are absolutely stoked to announce their latest signing, Vera Ellen - a Wellington/Los Angeles based multi-instrumentalist and wildly prolific songwriter, who you may recognise from LA band Girl Friday (Hardly Art), or grungy NZ 4-piece Maple Syrup. With this announcement comes the very welcome news of Vera Ellen's upcoming album, It's Your Birthday, out October 8th, 2021 on vinyl, CD and across digital platforms, plus the drop of a perfectly formed new single and video for soon-to-be-anthem, YOU! In YOU!, Vera Ellen's clear, confident and relaxed vocal presence and hooked-to-the-brim melodies foreshadow what is to come from her Flying Nun debut album, It's Your Birthday. Vera has said on this first single, "YOU! is a tale of unrequited love from a very idealised, youthful perspective, right in the throes of desire. You can love someone all you want, you can be the best of friends, lovers, whatever, and they can not feel the same way back, or they can but maybe they don't want to do anything about it. And it sucks and it hurts, but it's okay and you gotta respect that. OK?" Vera Ellen is an expert when it comes to clear and concise songwriting; every note and beat is exactly the required dose. While you wait for your next helping of this songwriting genius, wrap your eyes and ears around YOU! The video for YOU! was shot in a single day in Wellington, New Zealand with Vera's friends - co-director Samuel Austin and production assistant Bella Guarrera. Helena Anthony (the star of the video) and Vera were best friends in high school, we were real pranksters and spent every waking hour at each other's side. "We hadn't seen each other in a while and spent the whole time during the shoot laughing uncontrollably, it was like no time had passed. The video explores a kind love and ends in terrible heartbreak when a more attractive suitor steals Helenas heart with a lip bite and the offer of a matching leather jacket." Track List: SIDE A * Always Always * Telegram 2 * It's Your Birthday * Yuppie Farm * YOU! * Crack The Whip * It's Good, It's Simple SIDE B * I Want 2 B Boy * The Language of Flowers * Godspeed * Stuck w Me * Heart in Reaction * Where The Sun * Joy