Waggletail Ted

Nightingale Books
Waggletail Ted

Ted is a small dog with a big personality and a lot of fans. But he doesn't like the look of Jamal, the boy who comes to live next door. Ted isn't afraid of much - just cats, baths and short humans like Jamal. Jamal loves cats but he's scared of dogs. His new life in a strange country is scary too and hard to understand. What he needs most is a friend. Waggletail Ted is a story full of surprises, dangers and kindness.

Publisher: Nightingale Books

Published: United Kingdom, 29 August 2019

Format: Paperback / softback, 59 pages

Other Information: 5 Colour Illustrations

Dimensions: 19.8 x 12.9 x 0.3 centimeters (0.07 kg)

Writer: Sue Hampton