Wahl Large Slicker Brush Soft Grip for Cats & Dogs White Orange

Wahl Large Slicker Brush Soft Grip for Cats & Dogs White Orange

The slicker brush is designed for the primary purpose of removing any loose hair, dirt, mats, or knots and thins the undercoat for dogs and cats. The stainless-steel pins will smooth the coat and leave a polished, well-groomed finish. The slicker brush is typically used on medium to long-haired animals with wiry, thick, or curly hair. The fine wire pins are packed tightly together and are at a slight angle as to not scratch the skin of the animal.

It is important to be gentle when using this brush on your animal. First, spray a small amount of water over the pets coat. Start by brushing in the direction of hair growth to smooth the overall coat (note: if your animal has longer hair, lift the brush a little as you work your way through). If you reach any large knots, it is advisable to get these out using a metal comb and then to continue with the slicker brush. Once the body is done, you can use a soft bristle brush for the face and ears, followed by a pin brush on the body to get the fur looking smooth and shiny.

Always clean your brush after each use. Remove the bulk of the hair and soak for approximately 10 minutes in hot water with soap or a pet-safe disinfectant. Dry the brush and store away until next use.

This brush is ideal for long/medium hair breeds, curly coats, thick coats and/or dogs that shed a lot.


Ideal for long/medium hair breeds, curly coats or dogs/cats that shed a lot
Removes loose hair, dead skin, dirt, mats, or knots whilst thinning the undercoat
The stainless-steel pins will smooth the coat and leave a polished, well-groomed finish
The stainless-steel pins are packed tightly together and are at a slight angle as to not scratch the skin of the animal