Watercolor Workshop Journal (Hardcover) - Notebook / blank book

Watercolor Workshop Journal (Hardcover) - Notebook / blank book

Product detail - Author: Sasha Prood | ISBN-13: 9781419729218 | Format: Notebook / blank book Publisher: Abrams | Publication Date: 2018-02-01 | Pages: 144 | Product Dimensions: 158 x 216 x 16mm | Weight: 338g |

Featuring Sasha Prood's stunning watercolor swatches arranged in a crisp, geometric pattern on the cover with foil-stamped accents, this journal is the perfect accessory for artists, design-lovers, and anyone who appreciates a clean, modern aesthetic. It has a ribbon marker, stained edges, full-color interior art interspersed among the lined pages, and a lay-flat binding.