Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set

Jon Duckett
Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set

Web Design with HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery Set
ISBN: 9781118907443
Publication Date: 20 June 2014

HTML & CSS: Designing and Building Web Sites teaches readers the basics of HTML and CSS. This book is unique because it throws away dull templates and presents the information in full color, with the use of helpful info-graphics. It starts by introducing structure and hierarchy rather than jumping with the first elements or how websites work. Since a picture can often tell a thousand words, the book introduces each new element in a visual way, relying on images and diagrams rather than pages of text. It then goes on to discuss CSS, and teaches the reader how to control how their pages will look / appear. As a value-add, the book is accompanied by a website that the user can download to their computer with lots of examples and exercises to try for themselves. The book covers: structure, text, lists, links, images, tables, forms, useful options, adding style w/CSS, controlling fonts, colors, thinking in boxes, styling lists, styling tables, layouts, using grids, and offers practical advice about SEO, Google analytics, ftp, and HTML5 all in beautifully rendered 4-color ease of reading. The reader will learn:

  • How pages are structured
  • How to create text
  • How to create lists
  • Linking between pages on a site
  • Adding images to a page
  • Structure and creation of tables
  • Elements of forms and how to create
  • How to add style with CSS
  • Controlling fonts
  • Adding colors
  • Layouts

JavaScript & jQuery: Interactive Front-End Development takes a far more visual approach than other titles in the topical area, with lots of diagrams, infographics, and lifestyle photography, following the same format as HTML & CSS (design and build websites). The audience of that title has already shown a strong interes...