Wed In The Outback : Volume One/Outback Princess/Outback Bride's Baby Bombshell

Ally Blake
Wed In The Outback : Volume One/Outback Princess/Outback Bride's Baby Bombshell

Wed In The Outback : Volume One/Outback Princess/Outback Bride's Baby Bombshell
ISBN: 9781038912183
Publication Date: 1 May 2024

Outback Princess - Ally Blake

Their reunion with a royal twist...

To claim her inheritance, Matilda Waverly must be wed within the year. But Matilda has a secret: sheâs already married! She hasnât seen Henri since she fled their wedding night, so tracking him down is essential â" but exciting and terrifying in equal measure. Especially when she learns Henri is actually a prince! And the undeniable spark between them has never gone away...

Outback Bride’s Baby Bombshell - Rachael Stewart

Unwilling bride, unexpected baby!

Returning to her familyâs outback homestead, Eve feels like a fish out of water. Sheâs only in town to contest the ridiculous terms of her inheritance. Get married? As if! Finding a distraction in the arms of gorgeous stranger Nate is one thing. Discovering heâs the lawyer enforcing her fatherâs will is another...and the biggest bombshell of all is that their one night had consequences!