Whimsical Wire

Schiffer Publishing Ltd
Whimsical Wire

Transform simple wire into 20+ creatively wonderful art creations, including pendants, sculptures, kitchen organisers, greeting cards, and more. Learn to create art with light, flexible floral wire. Detailed photographs and 26 easy-to-follow patterns show you how to make a variety of wire designs and airy sculptures. Basic wire-working techniques and the essential tools you'll need to get started are here, plus 26 projects with clear, step-by-step instructions. You'll learn to make charming animals, flowers, leaves, bicycles, a Volkswagen bus, and more. Discover ideas for making projects like greeting cards and wall plaques from your wire sculptures. Learn to use mixed media in your designs, with instructions for combining wire with wood, paper, glass, and even recycled flatware. Once you've mastered the projects in the book, you can use the techniques you've learned as inspiration for your own wire designs. Your customers will love this book's unusual craft idea: create art with light, flexible floral wire. Detailed photographs and 26 easy-to-follow patterns show how to make a variety of wire designs and airy sculptures. It teaches basic wire-working techniques and the essentials customers will need to get started. The projects use clear, step-by-step instructions and result in charming animals, flowers, leaves, bicycles, a Volkswagen bus, and more. Readers can discover ideas for making items like greeting cards and wall plaques from wire sculptures and learn to use mixed media, with instructions for combining with wire with wood, paper, glass, and even recycled flatware. Appeals to experienced wire crafters who want to try new techniques, as well as beginners who want to experience wire crafts for the first time. AUTHOR: Ingrid Moras (Allgau, Germany) is the author of craft books on topics ranging from silk and fabric painting to mosaic work and jewellery making. She finds inspiration in her garden and in hiking the beautiful landscapes near her home. 50 colour photographs and illustrations