White Tears/Brown Scars

Ruby Hamad
White Tears/Brown Scars
White Tears/Brown Scars
ISBN: 9780522875584
Publication Date: 3 September 2019

A confronting reality check for the privileged position of the white woman.

When white people cry foul it is often people of colour who suffer. White tears have a potency that silences racial minorities. White Tears/Brown Scars blows open the inconvenient truth that when it comes to race, white entitlement is too often masked by victimhood. Never is this more obvious than the dealings between women of colour and white women.

What happens when racism and sexism collide? Ruby Hamad provides some confronting answers.

About the Author

Ruby Hamad is a Lebanese-Syrian journalist and author who was raised in Australia. Hamad's work has appeared in Fairfax media, The Guardian, Prospect Magazine, and The New Arab. She is currently a PhD candidate in media and postcolonial studies at the University of New South Wales. She was a contributor to Defiant Daughters (2013).