Whose Footprints Are These? A Field Guide to Identifying Footprints - Animal Book 3rd Grade | Children's Animal Books

Baby Professor
Whose Footprints Are These? A Field Guide to Identifying Footprints - Animal Book 3rd Grade | Children's Animal Books

So your child is a master at identifying animals, but can he/she still name them based on their footprints? Consider this child as a level of difficulty higher than your regular animal books. Don't be satisfied with your child's traditional learning materials. Deviate and experiment at times, too. Add this learning resource to your book collection today!

Baby Professor showcases a collection of subjects that are educational for kids to help them learn how to do something themselves, exactly how something is done or how it came about. Children love to learn through attractive visuals and Baby Prof. is ideal to get your child the head start he or she needs for the future. Our Motto - "Learning is Fun, so let's Make it Fun to Learn".

Publisher: Baby Professor

Published: United States, 15 September 2017

Format: Paperback / softback, 64 pages

Age Range: 0+

Dimensions: 21.6 x 21.6 x 0.3 centimeters (0.13 kg)

Writer: Baby Professor

About the AuthorBaby Professor showcases a collection of subjects that are educational for kids to help them learn how to do something themselves, exactly how something is done or how it came about. Children love to learn through attractive visuals and Baby Prof. is ideal to get your child the head start he or she needs for the future. Our Motto - Learning is Fun, so let's Make it Fun to Learn.