Wolf Who Visited the Land of Fairy Tales

Orianne Lallemand
Wolf Who Visited the Land of Fairy Tales
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Wolf Who Visited the Land of Fairy Tales
ISBN: 9782733859629
Publication Date: 1 November 2018

Wolf has decided to bake an apple cake for this spring's Tea Party. There is only one problem: he doesn't know how to bake! As he sets out through the forest in search of the items necessary to bake his cake, Wolf meets some interesting individuals: a little girl in a red hood, three cute little pigs, a little red hen, and others. Why do they all think he is dangerous? Will he make it home in time to bake the cake for the party? This new translation of The Wolf Who Visited the Land of Fairy Tales will enchant children and parents alike with its quirky introduction of various fairy tales. It even includes a real recipe for Wolf 's apple cake at the end of the book!