Working with Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents - Paperback

John Wiley & Sons Inc
Working with Grieving and Traumatized Children and Adolescents - Paperback

Product detail - Author: William Steele | ISBN-13: 9781118543177 | Format: Paperback Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc | Publication Date: 2013-07-03 | Pages: 272 | Product Dimensions: 218 x 279 x 22mm | Weight: 671g |

This book provides a structured, sequential, and evidence-based approach for treating children and adolescents who are experiencing trauma or grief. This approach can be used for all types of traumatic events and is suitable for both experienced and novice mental health professionals. Two of the interventions presented in the book SITCAP-ART and I Feel Better Now have proven useful in multiple settings with diverse cultures. This book reflects a resilience perspective and explores the factors that lead to and support resilience and recovery. Accessible and practical, this useful guide is filled with all the activities needed for individual sessions--packaged in an easily reproducible format.