Zilpa Puffed Hemp and Wool Elaina Rug 120x180 cm

Zilpa Puffed Hemp and Wool Elaina Rug 120x180 cm

The intricately desigend indoor/outdoor rug runner is modern décor addition to any living space of hotel, home, café, restaurants, or tourist campers. Enhance the warmth of your luxury area with woollen construction of this rug throw. The carpet runner is made of hemp and wool that looks plush on any interior with natural furniture and geometric construction. Gift this area rug on special events and festivals to your near and dear ones. Vacuum clean the rug and avoid sharp objects for long lasting flooring. The carpet rug is perfect Indian handicraft for perfect transition of your interior space with puffed and undercut terraced symmetrical weaves.

  • Home Decor Accessory: The bedroom area rug is a premium addition to hallway, entrance, hotel room, restaurants, and cafes for timeless weaving design. Enjoy fine combination of hemp and wool with chic look at your floor.
  • Terraced Design: The living area rug throw is made of hemp and wool terraced undercut and puffed patterns to warm up your interior décor in entryway, hall, dining area, and other spaces with modern plush styling.
  • Indian Handicraft: The area rug throw is carefully hand-made through traditional Indian weaving techniques to get the staircase-like patterns. Prevent it from sharp objects for long lasting decoration experience.
  • Perfect Gift: Present this elegant rug throw for indoor/ outdoor use to your loved ones. The rug runner is excellent gift for Halloween, birthday, bridal shower, or wedding of friends, family, and colleagues.