Ziwi Peak Moist Grain Free Dog Food - Free Range Beef - 390g x 12 Cans

Ziwi Peak
Ziwi Peak Moist Grain Free Dog Food - Free Range Beef - 390g x 12 Cans

Satisfy your canines need for proper nutrition with the ZiwiPeak Daily Beef Dog Can!

Formulated with locally sourced New Zealand grass-fed, free-range beef, this all-natural dog food source is full of vitamins, minerals, and other necessary nutrients to support your pets everyday health. Improving your canines gut health isnt the only way that this dog food formula can help boost your pets health: supporting joint health and giving your dog healthier skin and a shinier fur coat.

With added tripe and New Zealand Green Mussel in the ZiwiPeak Beef Daily Dog Can formula, your pooch will get even more nutrients to better support their everyday body functions and activities. Free of corn, wheat, soy, and other possible pet allergens, this safe-to-eat and digestible canned dog food is perfect for pets that have sensitive stomachs. The formula also doesnt include harmful ingredients and chemicals, such as antibiotics, hormones, preservatives, and artificial flavours or colours. Get the pure taste of nature with all its rich, natural nutrients with the ZiwiPeak Daily Beef Dog Can!


  • First-rate canned dog food made with over 90% of locally sourced New Zealand beef
  • Contains New Zealand Green Mussel and cold-washed tripe for added nutrition
  • Grass-fed, free-range beef from local New Zealand farms
  • Single-protein food source for dogs formulated without common pet allergens such as wheat, soy, corn, and pea protein
  • All-natural wet dog food thats easy to digest and improves your pets gut health
  • Helps make skin and fur coat healthier
  • Supports joint health
  • Full of nutrients that provide what your dog needs on a daily basis
  • Contains no preservatives, antibiotics, hormones, artificial flavours/colours, meat fillers, or other unnecessary ingredients found in other dog food products
  • BPA-free can
  • Suitable for dogs of all ages and breeds
  • Made in New Zealand

Size: 390 grams x 12 cans

Ingredients: Beef, Beef Broth, Beef Lung, Beef Kidney, Beef Liver, Beef Tripe, Chick Peas, New Zealand Green Mussel, Beef Bone, Dried Kelp, Sea Salt, Minerals (Zinc Amino Acid Complex, Copper Amino Acid Complex, Selenium Yeast, Manganese Amino Acid Complex), Vitamins (Vitamin E Supplement, Vitamin B1 Supplement, Vitamin B5 Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Folic Acid)

Ziwi Peak Moist Beef For Dog is formulated to meet the nutritional levels established by the AAFCO Dog Food Nutrient Profiles for all life stages.

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