Multi Cooker Savings Await!

The Best Multi-Cookers at Catch!

Remember when your grandparents used to say that machines are taking over the world? Well, imagine having a piece of hardware at home that could cook for you, not only that. But it could even give you recipes and guide you through step-by-step? Now you can have all of those things thanks to Catch, we’ve got the best multi-cookers on the market! The Tefal Cook4Me+ Multicooker is an electric multi-cooker that is leading the market. With Tefal, you don’t have to worry about complicated recipes or measurements. This personal cooking assistant is a one-pot smart multi-cooker designed to help you prepare amazing fresh meals in a flash! Tefal guides you through each process, step-by-step so it’s awesome for the new chef at home. Easily scroll and click to choose one of the 150 built-in recipes then follow the cooking instructions on screen! Now your home can have it’s own Bobby Flay or Jamie Oliver thanks to the best multi-cooker on the market! Never miss out on a Screamin’ Good Deal again thanks to!

Multi-Cookers at Catch for Less!

It’s time we rid the remand and stress of cooking and let an electric multi-cooker do it for us. The best multi-purpose cookers have landed at Catch and you know we’ve got some awesome bargains for you! Become your homes Curtis Stone and easily whip up a tasty and delicious storm in no time! Thanks to Breville’s The Fast Slow Pro Multi Cooker you can now have a versatile and handy kitchen appliance that you’re truly going to use. This electric multi-cooker is perfect thanks to its 6L capacity that gives you so much room with play with while cooking. You be the boss and decided how to cook with the multiple heat-settings. Perfect for slow cooking, searing and sauteing while still locking in the most flavour possible. Famous for its stainless steel construction, Breville easily makes one of the best multi-cookers for cooks. What are you waiting for - grab a Screamin’ Good Deal from Australia’s favourite online superstore today!